
Location & Avoidance of Underground Services

This course will cover the basic operation and methods involved in locating underground services, the problems and hazards to be aware of and how to determine the readings given. All courses are conducted to a high standard using computer to video projector presentation along with video presentations and supporting samples of products, tools and equipment for practical demonstrations.

Course Aim

The aim of this course is to provide each delegate with the knowledge needed to safely and correctly operate a Basic Cable Avoidance Tool (CAT) along with a Signal Generator (GENNY) when tracing underground services. There is a large amount of hands on training with this course, with each delegate being allowed sufficient time to trace and locate local underground services.

The Course Covers

  • The requirements of the Regulations with respect to Detecting and Tracing Underground Services.
  • Reasons for using locators
  • Hazards arising from the use of Cable Avoidance Tools and Signal Generators and precautions which should be observed.
  • Identification of types of Cable Avoidance Tools and Signal Generators
  • Implications of damage, handling and transporting of Equipment
  • Inspecting, calibration and testing of equipment
  • The methods of safe use of pipe and cable location equipment, along with basic locating techniques
  • Safe working practices


Upon successfully passing the written assessment at the end of the course, each delegate will receive a certificate of instruction and attendance of training.