
Pest & Rodent Control Courses

Vermin infestation can afflict the best-run businesses, and dealing with it effectively requires knowledge and skill. Because many of the treatments involve the use of poisonous substances, it is essential that pest control is carried out by people who have received proper training. 

Our Pest Control courses provide both training and assessment, so that at the end of the course you know whether you have reached the required standard. If you are successful you will be awarded a Certificate of Training and a recognised Skills ID Card stating your competence to practice pest control.

Who are these course for?

Anyone working in the following industries:

  • Agriculture
  • Retail
  • Food sector
  • Production Horticulture
  • Amenity Horticulture
  • Highway Maintenance
  • Game-keeping
  • Forestry
  • Landscaping
  • Floristry
  • Parks and Gardens
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Outdoor sports areas including golf courses, cricket and football pitches

What do the courses cover?

In these courses you will learn:

  • About the pests you need to control
  • The relevant regulations
  • Both preventative and curative methods of control
  • How to administer the pesticides safely and effectively
  • How to plan and monitor a pest control programme

Rat & Mouse / Rodent Control Course (1Day):

Course content

Why control rats and mice? What are the options?

  • Pesticides - rat and mouse control and the use of rodenticides vertebrate pest control products 
  • Health and safety and other relevant legislation 
  • Practical - Practice baiting skills for rats and mice and planning continuing control needed for site 
  • Storage, records and disposal and emergency procedures 
  • Identify rats and mice and the typical symptoms of damage caused
  • Identify the degree and source of the infestation
  • Describe the life-style, habits and habitats of rats and mice
  • Plan, implement and monitor an effective control programme for rats and mice
  • Select and carry out the most appropriate control methods, in line with current legal guidelines and recognised good practice
  • Understand the effect rodent control can have on the environment and ensure risks to non-target animals are minimised

Rabbit and Mole Control Course (1 day)

Course content

  • Identify the degree and source of the infestation for rabbits and moles
  • State the legislative obligations and responsibilities relevant to the control of rabbits and moles
  • Describe the life-styles, habits and habitats of rabbits and moles
  • Plan, implement and monitor an effective control programme for rabbits and moles
  • Select and carry out the most appropriate methods for rabbit and mole control in line with current legal guidelines and recognised good practice
  • Perform gassing operations safely and effectively, with due regard to humans, creatures, plants and the environment

Grey Squirrel Control Course (1 day)

Course content

  • Understand the reasons for controlling grey squirrels and the effect they have on red squirrels
  • Understand the biology and behaviour of grey squirrels and its relevance to control
  • Survey grey squirrel activity and establish a control programme
  • Effectively lay poison safely and with no danger to other non-target animals to control grey squirrels
  • Set traps, both live capture and spring traps, safely and effectively with due regard to humaneness